Dry Needling in Chipping Norton

A form of acupuncture that treats pain by stimulating trigger points or muscles that are irritable

What does the treatment involve?

Dry needling at our clinic in Chipping Norton involves the precise insertion of a very fine acupuncture needle into tiny, tight clusters of muscle fibres called trigger points.

A trigger point will refer pain to another part of your body, so for example you may feel pain in your leg, but actually a trigger point in your glute muscle could be causing this.

What results could I expect?

When the needle is inserted, you may feel a local twitch response, this calms the confused electrical signals that have been holding this tiny cluster of muscle in a contracted state.

Serotonin (the feel-good hormones), opioids, encephalin, and beta endorphins are sent to the site. This results in an immediate reduction of local and referred pain. Your range of motion will be increased, irritability of the trigger point will be decreased, and blood circulation will be restored.

Is this treatment right for me?

If you have never experienced acupuncture or dry needling, you may find the idea of having needles inserted into your body parts either terrifying or just plain weird. The truth is, if you are experiencing pain, you are probably willing to give most things a try. This treatment can make you feel better and alleviate your frustrating symptoms.