Fascia Treatments in Chipping Norton
Do you have a deep aching pain in a muscle? A pain that persists or deepens? Do you religiously stretch after exercise but still feel your muscles are tight? Your fascia could be to blame!
What is fascia?
Your body has a 3D web of tough, connective tissue (a bit like clingfilm) underneath your skin. This ‘clingfilm’ is called your fascia and surrounds each muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel, organ and each cell in your body.
It supports, stabilises and cushions everything it hugs - just think of the thin membrane that encases a chicken breast. That’s fascia! We are just one big muscle in a complex 3D fascial network.
How does fascia affect us?
When in a healthy state, our fascia will be hydrated, firm but elastic, allowing a lovely smooth, sliding movement between muscles. When fascia becomes unhealthy, it clings to whatever it surrounds - like a piece of tape sticking together. More layers of ‘clingfilm’ will build up, causing it to thicken, shorten or solidify. This restriction in one area of the body creates tension in the 3D web, which can affect other distant parts of the body. You could be experiencing pain that appears to be unrelated to the original problem.
What are the most common causes of fascia damage?
There are several things that could have a negative impact on your fascia. These include:
Inactivity - a sedentary lifestyle may cause fascia to tighten
Poor posture - where the body adopts a certain position which impacts the elasticity of the fascia
Dehydration - can leave fascia dry and less supple
Stress - can cause the fibres to thicken around the area of tension
Inflammation - fascia can become inflamed and may bind together which can result in pain
Repetitive movements - typing or using a computer mouse can pull fascia into certain patterns, making it less pliable.
What do the treatments involve?
Using soft tissue manipulation therapy, fascia treatments are hands-on and usually quite gentle. After a variety of stretches and pulls, the fascia will relax, release and become much less solid. Treating your fascia will result in a more flexible, more pain free you!
How can I self-treat my fascia?
Keep moving! Stretching and in particular, yoga, are great ways to keep supple and keep the fascia healthy.
Hydration is very important as it helps to keep the fascia gliding beautifully between muscles and structures of the body.
Using a foam roller, or fascia blaster tool, are other ways of helping yourself! This will help to break down adhesions, lubricate the fascial sheath, ease trigger points and increase blood flow which will increase flexibility and reduce pain.
Myofascial Release
A very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the fascial tissue to eliminate pain and restore motion.
What does the treatment involve?
Myofascial Release is an extremely effective treatment which involves applying gentle and sustained pressure into the connective tissue restrictions. This will eliminate pain by improving posture and movement. It can also involve gentle stretching and pulling of parts of the body.
What results could I expect?
Myofascial treatment can restore correct positioning and relieve pain and discomfort.
A deep tissue massage will reach the recoiled fascia within the muscles, which can reduce cellulite, resulting in a smoother finish to the skin.
Scar work using Myofascial Release can be highly effective at loosening scar tissue and smoothing out the scar to improve the appearance and feel of the tissue.
Is this treatment right for me?
If you are doing all of the right things (stretching, yoga, keeping hydrated) but are still living in pain or feeling stiff in the morning then this treatment will help.
We successfully use Myofascial Release on many clients who are feeling exhausted, run down or going through a stressful period in their life.
Facial Myofascial
A highly relaxing treatment where the muscles of the face, jaw, neck, shoulders and scalp will be released using gentle techniques.
What does the treatment involve?
Gentle pressure will be applied to the face which will allow underlying tissues to melt and spread as they release.
Firmer holding of trigger points and circular pressure on areas of particular tightness, will help to melt and ‘iron out’ lines that have been created through repeated facial expressions, tension and environmental factors.
This doesn’t involve a cleanse, tone or moisturiser.
What results could I expect?
This treatment can relieve tension pain and stress from the neck upwards and can create a more glowing, youthful appearance.
The facial fascia has a huge effect on the way we look, from wrinkles to sagging or crepe-like skin. Releasing the fascia of the face, using gentle massage techniques will give your skin a fresher, smoother appearance.
Is this treatment right for me?
Facial Myofascial release can benefit anyone who suffers from:
Jaw ache, pain or grinding
Headache, toothache or earache
Neck and shoulder tension
Sinus pain
If you would like to feel the tension in your face disappear, feel glowing and more youthful then Facial Myofascial is the right treatment for you.
Fascia Blasting
If you own a Faciablaster and need someone else to carry out the treatment, this is a real treat – all the results with someone else doing the work!